Explore deep wellness from within
Reiki integrates perfectly with facial massage and provides deep relaxation inside and out.
In Person Reiki Session
Reiki works with the energetic, physical and emotional aspects of the individual to address imbalances on all levels. Reasons you may want to experience a Reiki session:
· General balancing
· Clearing emotional blocks
· Physical pain
· Increasing clarity
· Issues with life
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Click here to learn more about Reiki
$35/ 30 Minute Session
Distance Reiki Session
Reiki was discovered by Mikao Usui during a transformative period of seclusion in China. While learning of this ancient art through scrolls he had found, he discovered a symbol which translated to "distance". This symbol works in conjunction with reiki energy creating a 'bridge'. When two people set the intention of a certain time, date and mental focus during a distance reiki session, they are able to connect through any distance in order to heal.
For this session I can connect via Zoom, Google Meet, WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger at your chosen time. I will perform Reiki on a surrogate after a brief consultation as we are connected on the call.
Click here to learn more about Reiki
$35 / 30 Minute Session